Satisfied clients, in the U.S. and abroad

For almost 30 years, Jane Shey has worked with and represented trade associations, Fortune 500 companies, producer organizations, local governments and other clients. Shey's work has involved coalition building, communication, strategic planning, organizational goal setting, and policy analysis, with a close focus on clients' unique needs.


​Ms. Shey representing U.S. Apple at a trade show in Guadalajara, Mexico

​Ms. Shey representing U.S. Apple at a trade show in Guadalajara, Mexico


Former Representative Timothy J. Penny (D-MN), former Chairman, House Subcommittee on Foreign Agriculture and Hunger:

“My years of association with Jane Shey have been rewarding and enjoyable.  I have the utmost confidence in her skills as a manager of people, as an initiator of legislative ideas and in her ability to work in a diligent and professional manner.  Based on her many years of experience, Jane has developed a superior knowledge in agriculture and international trade issues.”

Paul Horel, President, Crop Insurance Research Bureau, Inc.:

"The Crop Insurance Research Bureau [CIRB] retained Jane to assist it in raising the association's visibility and establish a consistent on-going presence for in Washington. As a result of her efforts CIRB now occupies a much stronger position in Washington both on Capitol Hill as well as with [Department] of Agriculture regulators. With a limited staff and volunteers we needed someone like Jane who could work well with our member company personnel. We feel CIRB is now the pre-eminent crop insurance trade association in Washington and Jane has been a major reason for that accomplishment." 

Pat Henderson, Executive Director, American Oat Association:

"Jane is a quick study, who is loyal and dedicated to her clients’ needs: she is a proactive person who doesn’t say ‘no’ to a new challenge.  Her inclusive, team- building style is well suited to the way the American Oat Association prefers to operate.  I highly recommend Jane for any position, where an ambitious, well-respected, dedicated person is needed to address legislative and political issues.”



Jane Shey has worked with a wide range of clients, including:

  • ABS Global
  • AgriBank, FCB
  • AgriBusiness Coalition for Foreign Market Development
  • American Oat Association
  • Center for Rural Affairs
  • CF Industries
  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • CoBank
  • Crop Insurance Agents of America
  • Crop Insurance Research Bureau
  • Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company
  • Heifer Project International
  • Minnesota Wheat and Barley Producers
  • National Association of Animal Breeders
  • National Audubon Association
  • National Cooperative Business Association
  • National Oilseed Processors Association
  • North American Miller’s Association
  • Overseas Cooperative Development Council